Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


Thank you for using REALTY ONE! Your trust is of paramount importance to us. We are committed to protecting the privacy and security of personal information. The information you share with us will help us to provide a wonderful user experience. We have a dedicated privacy team responsible for protecting all personal information we collect and helping to ensure that personal information is properly processed worldwide.

This privacy policy explains how we collect, use, process and disclose your personal information related to your access to and use of REALTY ONE platform. You confirm that you are using REALTY ONE platform and have carefully read, fully understood and accepted the contents of this privacy policy. The privacy practices described in this privacy policy apply to all websites, platforms and services linked to this privacy policy.


If there are undefined terms in this Privacy Policy (such as "service items" or " REALTY ONE platform "), the definition is consistent with our definition in the Terms of Service ("terms").

Privacy Policy

This privacy policy will help you understand the following:

1. Collection of Personal Information

2. Use of Personal Information

3. How do we use Cookie and similar technologies

4. Disclosure of your Personal Information

5. Protect your personal information security

6. Your Rights

7. Notification and Revision

8. How to contact us

I. Collection of Personal Information

We are fully aware of the importance of personal information to you and how protecting your information is the cornerstone of a healthy and sustainable business.

Thank you for your use and trust in REALTY ONE! We are committed to maintaining your trust in us, abiding by applicable laws and our commitment to you, and doing our best to ensure the safety and reasonable use of your personal information. At the same time, we solemnly promise that we will take appropriate security measures to protect your personal information in accordance with the industry's mature security standards.

We will collect your personal information for the following purposes as stated in this Policy:

Basic information (including personal name, birthday, gender, address, personal phone number, personal email address); Real estate information (such as property publishing information, save property); Other information (e.g. web browsing history, location information).

II. Use of Personal Information

We may use your personal information for:

1.In order to show the property you intend to sell/rent, we may collect information related to the property (including the name, address, price, etc.).

2. Provide you with better services or products, such as filling in forms automatically on our website and products;

3. Combine your personal information with the information we collect from service providers, third parties, cookies or website beacons in order to provide you with a better or more personalized experience and improve our service quality.

4. Reply or provide you with the services, products, information and assistance you requested from us.

5. Contact you to investigate, research and feedback our products, services or websites.

6. When your account is registered or logged on to our website, please verify your identity.

7. Notify you of the changes in our service and remind you of your password and username.

8. Share your information with our service providers and other third parties so that they can provide products or services for you on our behalf or help us to provide you with the requested products or services, including contacting you on products or services;

III. How do we use Cookies

1. Cookies refers to a technology that when a user visits a website with cookies devices, the server of the website automatically sends cookies to the user's browser and stores them on its computer hard disk. This cookie is responsible for recording all kinds of activities, personal data and browsing habits you visit this website in the future.

2. The use of cookies by REALTY ONE is only for the purpose of providing more thoughtful personalized services to all users. Using cookie technology, this website can know which apps or content are popular with users. In addition, this website will use cookies to follow up your preferences, so that you can get more detailed and meticulous service when visiting our website.

3. Cookies do not track personal information. When you register as a member of our website, REALTY ONE will use cookies. In this case, useful information will be stored so that you can identify yourself when you visit our website again, thus providing you with information of interest or storing account passwords, etc., so that you do not have to log in repeatedly when you visit our website.

4. Cookies from REALTY ONE can only be read by REALTY ONE. You can choose to accept or reject cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept Cookies, but you can usually change the browser settings to reject cookies according to your needs. If your browser is set to reject cookies, you will still be able to access some of our services and functions, but you may not be able to fully experience all of REALTY ONE 's network services or the unique interactive features of this website.

IV. Disclosure of your Personal Information

(1). Information (including personal information) when you publish property on REALTY ONE that you release to the general public, such as:

1、Your name, your profile picture, name, telephone number, other contact information and service language. The service page with setting of information to the public includes the following information: property information (location and city) or accurate location, service project description.

2. If we disclose your personal information from third-party suppliers, we have made reasonable efforts through contractual arrangements to ensure that third-party suppliers comply with Cambodian privacy laws.

(2). The relevant public authorities, our legal representatives or other interested parties, in exceptional circumstances:

1. We have reason to believe that disclosure of your personal information is necessary to identify, contact or take legal action against any damage, injury or interference (intentionally or unintentionally) with our rights or property, users or any other person who may be harmed by such activities; Or we sincerely believe that the law requires disclosure.

V. Protect your personal information security

(1)We have taken reasonable and feasible security measures to protect the personal information security provided by you in accordance with industry standards and to prevent unauthorized access, public disclosure, usage, modification, damage or loss of personal information.

For example, when exchanging data (such as credit card information) between your browser and server, it is protected by Secure Socket Layer protocol encryption; we also provide HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer) protocol security browsing mode for REALTY ONE website. We will use encryption to improve the security of our personal information. We will use trusted protection mechanisms to protect our personal information from malicious attacks. We will deploy access control mechanisms to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to personal information. In addition, we will conduct security and privacy protection training courses to enhance employees' awareness of the importance of protecting personal information.

(2) we have the industry advanced data as the core, data life cycle around the data security management system, from the organizational construction, system design, personnel management, product technology and other aspects to enhance the security of the whole system. At present, our important information system has been certified by ISO27001.

1、We will take all reasonable and feasible measures to ensure that no irrelevant personal information is collected. We will retain your personal information only within the time required to achieve the objectives set out in this policy, unless it is necessary to extend the retention period or be permitted by law.

2. The Internet is not an absolutely safe environment, and the way of communication with other users such as e-mail, instant messaging, social software and so on cannot determine whether it is completely encrypted. We suggest that you use complex passwords when using such tools, and pay attention to protecting your personal information security.

3. The Internet environment is not 100% secure. We will try our best to ensure or guarantee the security of any information you send to us. If our physical technology or management protection facilities are damaged, which leads to unauthorized access, public disclosure, tampering or destruction of the information, resulting in damage to your legitimate rights and interests, we will assume the corresponding legal responsibility.

4. The user is the only person who has authority and confidentiality responsibility for his account password and related registration information. Therefore, when you are online, please be careful to protect your account security.

VI. The principle of user information usage is that only if one of the following conditions is met, the website may reasonably use the personal information of the users of this website beyond the necessary scope:

1. Your written consent has been obtained.

2. In order to avoid emergency danger to your life, body or property;

3. To prevent serious harm to the rights and interests of others;

4. In order to promote the public interest and do no harm to your vital interests.

VII. User Data-deletion requests

You can contact us by email: [email protected] com to delete your personal information. We promise to remove your information within 30 days. And send you a confirmation before the information is deleted, we will try our best to complete your request to delete the information before the deadline.

VIII. The website shall not be responsible for any of the following circumstances:

1.Any personal information leak or other personal information leak that is not caused by REALTY ONE, as you inform others of user password or share registered account with others;

2. Any leak, loss, embezzlement or tampering of personal information caused by hackers political attacks, computer virus intrusion or attack, temporary closure caused by government control and other factors that affect the normal operation of the network but not caused by REALTY ONE;

3. Any third party may use your personal information according to the conditions specified in REALTY ONE 's service declarations and service agreements, resulting in disputes.

4. All disclaimers listed in the service statement and service agreement of REALTY ONE;

5. Any consequences caused by force majeure.

How to update this Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy may change. Without your explicit consent, we will not restrict your rights under this privacy policy. We will post any changes to privacy policy on the special page (click here). For major changes, we will also provide more prominent notifications (including notifications through REALTY ONE public announcements or even bullet window tips).

VIIII. Major changes referred to in this Policy include, but are not limited to:

1. Significant changes have taken place in our service model. Such as the purpose of personal information processing, the type of personal information processing, the way of using personal information, etc.

2. Significant changes have taken place in terms of control rights. For example, company ownership changes caused by mergers and acquisitions, reorganization, etc.

3. The main objects of personal information disclosure have changed.

4. Significant changes have taken place in your right to participate in personal information processing and in the way you exercise it.

5. When the responsible departments, contact methods and complaint channels for personal information security change;

6. When the personal information security impact assessment report indicates the existence of high risk.

X. Protecting Objectionable Content

To protect our users from objectionable content, we have implemented a filtering mechanism that automatically removes any content containing sexual or violence. Additionally, we have provided users with the ability to flag objectionable content, which will be immediately reviewed by our team. If found to be objectionable, we will remove the content and eject the user who provided it within 24 hours.

XI. How to Contact Us

You can contact us through the following way, we will reply to your request within 24 hours:

Email to [email protected].

XII. Relevant Laws

For issues not covered by this declaration, please refer to relevant laws and regulations of Cambodia. In case of conflicts between this declaration and relevant laws and regulations of Cambodia, the local laws and regulations shall prevail.